Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I have three main goals for this semester. One of which is to actually do devotions every day. Secondly, I would like to be exempt from four exams. For my third goal I would like to gain ten pounds of muscle weight by the beginning of summer. For my first goal, I will do a couple of things on a consistent basis in attempt to achieve it. First, I will set an alarm every morning so I have enough time to read. Second, I will put the devotion book by my bed so I will not forget to do it. for my second goal, being exempt from four exams, I will dedicate at least thirty minutes of studying every night before tests and ten minutes every night before quizzes. I am going to do my best to go to every available help class. For my third goal, gaining ten pounds, I will do multiple things every day to do this. First of all I will go buy some protein to take after every work out. Second, I will work out as many times a week as possible. I will do my best to work out five days a week. I will try very hard this semester on achieving these goals.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

the synoptics

There are many similarities in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, which is why they are called the synoptic gospels.  One of these similarities is the fact that each book talks about the miracles Christ performed on earth. He heals someone in all three of these chapters. Another similarity is the calling of the first disciples. Another example of a reoccurring act is when Jesus is tempted by Satan. These books may be mainly filled of similarities but there are plenty of differences as well. One of these differences is the genealogies. The genealogy of Christ is in Matthew and Luke but not in Mark. Matthew talks about how you should not blaspheme against the holy spirit but all three of the gospels do not talk about the same things.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

the story of creation

Once upon a long long time ago there was a fairy. Just kidding there was God. God created a heaven and an earth. On earth he created humans that were put in place to glorify Him. Earth was meant to be where God and humans lived together. Unlike all of the other things he created, he created man in his own image. He gave humans authority over all of the other living things on earth. After he created humans he saw what he made that day and said that it was “very good.” This is different from the other things which were created that were just “good.” In this creation of the universe God started out with the stage for the drama of life. The stage is the earth. It is human’s job to live out our part of the drama the way that our creator intended. In a way to glorify him!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gods Story and My Life

It is imperative to have a good understanding of the story of scripture for us to know how to live our daily lives. If we know some of the stories we can use them as examples in our lives. They can teach us what to do or what not to do in certain situations. For example we can remember what Christ did and be considerate of others instead of doing what we want to do. Christ didn’t necessarily want to die on the cross and asked God to take the cup from him but he did it anyways for the sake of the people he loved. We can use the story of scripture in every aspect of our lives on a day to day basis.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Good Samaritan

In the New Testament there is a story that we can apply to our lives called The Good Samaritan. This parable is about a man that is traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho that gets beat half to death by robbers. They took all of his possessions, including clothes and money. The man laid there for a while and a priest came down the road and just ignored him and walked by. Then, a Levite man walked by and ignored the dying man as well. Finally, a Samaritan man came by and helped him by patching his wounds and taking him to an inn. This parable is so important and we can use this in our lives today. The Samaritan people were hated by the Jews and were obviously not the most popular people around. This didn’t stop him from helping though. When you see someone that clearly needs help but you think one of the so called “good kids” are going to help them, think again, because people will surprise you. In the story you would think that the priest, of all people would have attempted to aid the dying man, but he didn’t. We cannot expect other people to lend a helping hand all the time. If the opportunity presents itself, you should be there for that person that may need help that day. This simple story may seem meaningless to some but it really stood out to me.